Chapter 1:
// date = 2020.12.14
//surmise, Ordinal
- Static analysis, dynamic analysis, advanced..
- Getlayout, Setlayout funcs are basic windows func.
- DLL files contains executable shared by windows system among multiple applications.
- Malwares often use legitimate libraries and DLL to further advance its goal.
- Packed and obfuscated code will often include at least the functions LoadLibrary and
GetProcAddress, which is used to load and gain access to additional functions.
- Detect Packer w/ PEiD
- Runtime linking: only when program needs it.
- LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress LdrGetProcAddress LdrLoadDLL
- [x] Exported Functions.( What does it look like)
Host-Based Signatures: These indicators often identify files created or modified by
the malware or specific changes that it makes to the registry.
Network signatures: detect malicious code by monitoring network traffic
Analysis: use GDI32.dll and User32.dll most likely have a GUI interface. Also is able to manipulate the process/files. Using Advapi32.dll which indicates it does something with the registries. such as. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, which is a registry key that controls which programs are automatically run when booting.