NTObjectManager Tradecrafts

Get-ComDatabase -setcurrent

Change File/Registry Permisson

## for SpecterService
$FolderToConfigure = "FILL_IN_FILE_PATH"
## Folder path
$securityDescriptor = Get-Acl -Path $FolderToConfigure
## set it
Set-Acl -Path $FolderToConfigure -AclObject $securityDescriptor

Get All CLSIDs Windows

Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID

Download Symbols

cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Debuggers\\x64\\"
symchk /s srv*c:\\SYMBOLS*<https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols> C:\\Windows\\System32\\*.dll

List all domain controlled in a domain, You

$a = new-object 'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext'("domain", "other.domain.local" )

List Named Pipes

SOMETHING SOMETHING | format-list * 

Better View for SDDL

$descriptor = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity]::new()


Notice SDDL can apply to Service and Registry and file permissions. So PowerShell has a -Type for specifying to help make better sense

ConvertFrom-Sddlstring "FILL_SDDL" -Type FileSystemRights