DATE: Fri Jan 8 21:29:38 CST 2021
I am very happy to get my very first internship. It is not a stop, but a beginning. You got this Kai!
most popular convention call.
In cdecl, parameters are push onto the stack from right to left, the caller cleans up the stack when the function is complete, and the return value is stored in EAX
int test(int x, int y, int z);
int a, b, c, ret;
ret = test(a, b, c);
push c
push b
push a
call test
add esp, 12
mov ret, eax
notice the push order, because of the function will need to do Pop
Popular stdcall convention is similar to cdecl, except stdcall requires callee(the function) to clean up the stack. This is also the standard calling convention for Windows API.
the first few arguments are passed in registers, with the most commonly used registers being EDX, ECX. addional argument will be loaded from right to left. responsible for clean up.
guess: push is using less bytes in terms of instructions code.
Usually when the compiler decides to move rather than push things onto the stack.
arrays are going to be putted in to memeory as a sequence of bytes.
But linked list are going to use two bytes, to store: 1. value. 2.Node address pointer which points to another node. 3.does not need to be adjacent to other nodes in the memory.
the flow of test(): take the gms pointer* and mov into eax, assign value 61h—— 'a' into [eax+14h], and mov pointer to ecx, move double into address [ecx+18h]. mov ebp+var_4 to 0. jmp into the loop.
in the loop. comparing i to 5. if it is less than 5, mov i into eax, mov pointer in ecx.
mov i again into edx. note this edx is going to be used as data input for array[i]. mov [ecx(pointer) + eax(index) * 4], edx(i). and jmp back to conditions where mov edx is the i and add 1 to it and move it back into [ebp+var_4] for the next comparison.
The linked list consists of a sequence of data records, and each record includes a field that contains a reference→ link to the next record.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node{
int x;
struct node * next;
typedef struct node pnode;
int main() {
pnode * curr, * head;
int i;
head = NULL;
for (i=1; i<=10; i++){
curr = (pnode *)malloc(sizeof(pnode));
curr->x = i;
curr->next= head;
head= curr;
//curr = head finish the link.
printf("%d\\n", curr->x);
curr = curr->next;
return 0;
//more like 1<-2<-3<-4<-5<-6<-7<-8<-9<-10
// so the result is 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
code flow: var_4 is the 4 bytes pointer to struct curr, var_8 is pointer to head.