Right off the bat, I would like to list a bunch of my questions ahead and answering them myself as I read more blog posts by awesome people.



Times Read: 2


  1. Why is there already LPC (local procedure call), but MS still pushed out Remote Procedure Call( RPC).

  2. Since server&client’s RPC runtime lib (rpcrt4.dll), do all code needs to include the lib file? Wouldn’t that put a constrain on other programming languages other than C?

  3. which takes the stub data and sends them over the wire using what? protocol?

  4. Anonymous Bindings.

  5. Would it work if I create an RPC server and define a function that will load an COM object when called to some of the tasks for me 🤔


Microsoft added their own protocol for the DCE/RPC for ncacn_np , transported through the SMB protocol.


RPC Protocol Sequence